Biomass Boiler - Is planning permission required?
Posted on 08 June 2017 in FAQ
The installation of biomass boilers has been made a lot simpler thanks to permitted development rights by the Government.
As long as your house is not a listed building, you won’t need planning permission for the boiler itself, but you might need it if you plan to build a boiler house or fuel silo for example. As a general rule, these are only require for large commercial or agricultural applications. To be doubly sure, you should always check with your local authority in case other conditions apply.
Although you may not need planning permission, you will still need to ensure that all new biomass heating systems comply with building regulations. This involves the correct planning and installation of your system, and can be where many people come unstuck if trying to perform an installation themselves. Failure to comply with such regulations can not only prove to be a large headache, but can also be costly in terms of money and time.
Please esnure you choose a HETAS accredited installer, they will be able to advise you correctly on a biomass boiler system. Contact us and we can put you in contact with a suitable installer in your area.
Want to find out more about our Biomass Boiler range? Click here.